She was a cutie, even as a baby!
Known as "Frannie" to her friends, family and dedicated fans, Debbie was born Mary Frances Reynolds on April
Fools Day, 1932 in El Paso Texas. Her parents were Ray and Maxene Reynolds and she was their second child, having an older
brother Bill. When Debbie was seven her family moved from Texas to Burbank, California. Debbie lived a quiet, unspoiled
life growing up. Her family was not wealthy, her mother made most of her clothes. Debbie joined the Girl Scouts and continued
even into adulthood when she was a leader for her daughter's troop. HOW DEBBIE GOT HER START! When Debbie
was sixteen, she entered the Miss Burbank Beauty Contest. Debbie didn't want to win! Oh No..she wanted the free blouse and
scarf they were giving to contestants. But she did win doing a pantomine to Betty Hutton's "I'm a Square in the Social
Circle." From there on history was made...after roles in films such as "The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady," "Three
Little Words,", "Two Weeks With Love" and "Mr. Imperium,", Debbie landed a role in "Singing
in the Rain." There was no question about it...Debbie..the Star was born! From then on..it was all uphill for this
perky lady...Then and now..she is the very best!

The formative years...